“To increase society’s acceptance of underprivileged and marginalized hill tribes”
Concerning education, the majority of highland people have completed the primary level and there is a tendency to continue to the high-school level. About 24.5 percent of highland people cannot communicate in the Thai language.
Among the rural population of Thailand, hill tribe communities are discriminated and looked down upon by the local Thai societies due to lack of educations and learnings. They are merely accepted in local societies.
Due to lack of education and learning, the tribes are denied to Thai citizenship even though the new generations are born in Thailand and they have been living here for the past 30-60 years.
Hill tribes are a disadvantaged and vulnerable group of society, being largely dependent on agriculture for income and employment.
Education is a prerequisite to building a food-secure world, reducing poverty and conserving and enhancing natural resources. In many instances a major proportion of the population struck by poverty is rural, illiterate and undernourished.
With basic education people are better equipped to make more informed decisions for their lives and communities, while being active participants in promoting the economic, social and cultural dimensions of development.
It is equally accepted that without basic literacy and numeracy, people face limited employment opportunities, except for basic wage labour. Promoting education and training opportunities is therefore essential for poverty alleviation and sustainable rural development.
Like a Chinese saying goes ” Teach a man how to fish for his life instead of giving him a fish everyday”.
So here we are bringing long-lasting human rights to the communities through educating the new generation as well as adult ones.
We have right now 5 high schools in the hills for the communities. It is also attached to boarding where kids and students from far load for studies. We follow local Thai education system and is recognized by the local education ministry of Thai government.

Kids attending the school come from near and far hill tribe villages, most of which located along Thai-Myanmar border.

As teaching instructors, teachers, we have local Thais, hill tribes and long term volunteers, boarding at the schools teaching.

On top of regular school syllabus, we have English, Music and computer courses.
All That Is Not Given Is Lost